Is People-Pleasing Really That Bad?
Kelly Neupert Kelly Neupert

Is People-Pleasing Really That Bad?

Is people-pleasing really that bad? What’s so bad about being a kind person? 1. Good/bad is subjective 2. People-pleasing isn’t kindness. In short, people-pleasing is ineffective. It’s usually the very thing that’s blocking you from getting what you want and it has some negative consequences on your relationships, physical and mental health, and your career.

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OK, but like what really is people-pleasing?
Kelly Neupert Kelly Neupert

OK, but like what really is people-pleasing?

Isn’t people-pleasing just being kind? Or isn’t it being a submissive, doormat? No - to both! People-pleasing is a learned set of beliefs, behaviors, and tendencies that prioritize other people’s needs and comfort, even if it means ignoring or sacrificing your own.

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