creating a new norm for women

Collectively Over It

If you’ve been feeling stressed, burnt out, overwhelmed, and straight up sad - girl, trust me, you’re not alone. Women are tired of being held to superhero expectations with bare minimum support and nonexistent help. Instead of gaslighting our frustrations into gratitudes and platitudes, women are realizing that the current norm, just isn’t it. It’s time to blow up the whole system.


It’s not defeat if the game was rigged to begin with. We’re rewriting the rules all together by taking back agency and control. We’re prioritizing our own needs, honoring our feelings, and reconnecting with ourselves to create more presence, flexibility, and fulfillment.

Hi, I’m Kelly

I’m an ex-corporate gal turned licensed therapist and personal development coach. In my years of working with (and being) a woman, I’ve consistently found that despite various contexts and experiences, the majority of us have a common theme of persistently feeling stressed, dissatisfied, and overwhelmed. I sought out to find and solve for the root cause.

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Root Cause: People-Pleasing

It’s been scientifically proven that our relationships are the greatest predictor of our health, wellbeing, and happiness. No sh*t - we’re women, this is ingrained in our DNA. Yet, even with the best intentions, we keep failing on execution. Why?

Because most women have been taught that to connect with others they have to suppress, silence, abandon, and sacrifice themselves.

To be caring is to prioritize other’s needs above your own self-suppression

To be kind is to never be angry, upset, or make others uncomfortable self-silence

To be loved is to be “one” with your partner, losing your individuality self-abandon

These beliefs and behaviors of prioritizing others feelings and needs above your own, even at your own expense, is called people-pleasing. Instead of creating acceptance and closeness, it breeds a perpetual cycle of low self-esteem, inauthenticity, fear & avoidance, and unfulfilling relationships.

Because you can’t have real intimacy or trust in a relationship where the real you isn’t present. We fear that if we show up as our real selves and honestly communicate our needs and boundaries, we’ll threaten or lose our relationships. But in the words of the iconic film, How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, you can’t lose something you never had.

I help gen-z and millennial women ditch the outdated rules and expectations that no longer serve them and relearn how to authentically connect with themselves and others.

Work With Me

  • Access to the Authentic AF membership includes exclusive, curated content to help you take better care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and relationally on a.daily basis COMING SOON. Subscribe to our waitlist below.

  • Break out of auto-pilot and create the life you want in under three months with our signature group coaching program, Ppl Plzer Probs. Learn more here.

  • Hire Kelly as a keynote speaker or to host a workshop for your organization or company. Learn more here.

Why It Matters

The emotional suppression, self-abandonment, and hyper-fixation on others that people-pleasing requires takes a hefty toll and women are paying the price.

Take your health, wellness, & happiness back into your own hands here